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Topic Summer 3

Topic work

We are now starting a new topic ‘How does your garden grow?’.  We are learning about plants and their growth.  We hope you enjoy these activities and have fun. If you can think of any other activities, we would love to see them.

Activity 1

What is the purpose of a scarecrow?

Watch the Wizard of Oz. If you haven’t got the film you can watch a clip on You tube.

Can you find the scarecrow in the film? What does a scarecrow do? What is their purpose?

Can you design your own scarecrow? You can draw a picture or you may even create your own 3d scarecrow. You may use some reclaimed materials; Eg old clothes, straw, grass, hay, felt, newspaper, ribbon and buttons. Let your imagine run wild!


Activity 2

Know the different parts of a plant

Go to BBC bitesize – what are the parts of a plant KS1

Watch the clip and complete the quiz at the end.


Activity 3:

Can you name different flowers?

Research and find as many different flowers as you can;  Eg daffodil, rose, tulip, lily, snowdrops, bluebells

Can you find a flower for every letter of the alphabet?

Can you draw any flowers in your garden?


Activity 4

Can you label different parts of a plant?

Draw a plant and label the different parts.

Activity 5

What do plants need to survive?

Go to BBC bitesize – what do plants need to grow?

Watch the clip. Can you design and make an information booklet/poster/PowerPoint telling your friends what plants need to survive.

If you can get the resources you may want to grow some cress seeds or a sunflower seed. Remember to take photos of your plants. Can you write a diary about your plant growth?