News Summer 3
Hi Year 1 parents and children,
Some of us are back at school now and we have been having lots of fun. Our classrooms look quite different but we are really enjoying having our own tables and chairs and our own pack of equipment. We are gradually getting used to being back at school and have some new routines.
In maths we have been focussing on our number formation and ordering numbers. We have attached some worksheets that that may help you with this.
In English we have been catching up and discussing all the exciting things we have been doing whilst we have not been at school. Miss Wicks has been enjoying cooking new recipes and Mrs Gunn has been reading lots of new books. You could write a letter to your friends letting them know what you have been up to.
Our topic this half term is ‘Castles’. We are starting our topic by reading the story “Jack and the beanstalk”. This is helping us to identify the features of castles. We will be using our English lessons to continue practising our super sentence writing but also to encourage us to use interesting and descriptive language when writing about our castles.
We hope you’re still having lots of fun and are enjoying your time at home.
We really look forward to seeing you when the time comes.
Stay safe,
Miss Wicks and Mrs Gunn.