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News & Events

News items and event calendar

25th April 2024 Year 2 Forest School
8th May 2024 Reception Children's University clubs start (more details to follow)
13th May 2024 Reception Learn to Ride (more details to follow)
20th May 2024 Year 2 Boydell's Farm Trip
24th May 2024 School closes for half term
3rd June 2024 School returns
4th June 2024 Reception - Year 2 Sports Day  

Reception - 9.30 am - 10.30 am

Year 1 - 11.00 am - 12.00 am

Year 2 - 1.15 pm - 2.15 pm

12th June 2024 Nursery - Year 2 discos (more details to follow)
18th June 2024 Year 1 Colchester Castle
20th June 2024 Summer Fayre (more details to follow)
21st & 24th June Training days
28th June 2024 Outside Assembly  (more details to follow)
3rd July 2024 Year 1 Summer Concerts  (more details to follow)
4th July 2024 Open Evening  (more details to follow)
16th July 2024 Nursery Sports and Garden Party (more details to follow)
17th July 2024 Nursery Sports and Garden Party (more details to follow)
19th July 2024 Nursery Closes
22nd July 2024 Year 2 Leavers Disco  (more details to follow)
23rd July 2024 Year 2 Leavers Assembly  (more details to follow)
23rd July 2024 School closes for the summer