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Welcome to Reception

The Year R teaching staff are:

Mrs Verkely

Miss Burt 

Mrs Arnold

Miss Welsh



Reception’s Curriculum Goals


To become confident.  Someone who can listen carefully in different situations, think through and negotiate and adapt plans with friends, hold a conversation with friends and adults, ask relevant questions and use new vocabulary to explain ideas and feelings To become independent and can follow Our School Rules, set simple goals and persevere to achieve them, select resources, manage their own personal needs and know how to stay fit and healthy To become a fantastic friend who can be kind, caring and helpful, show empathy and respect to others, work and play co-operatively whilst considering others’ ideas and feelings To become athletic. Someone who can show strength, balance and co-ordination when playing, move confidently and safely in a variety of different ways, use a range of equipment
To become a confident tool user, who can hold a pencil effectively, use a range of tools (for example scissors, cutlery, paintbrushes, tweezers, hammer, screwdrivers) safely and with confidence To become a lover of books, who can show a love for reading, use new vocabulary to talk about what they have read or has been read to them, read words and simple sentences (using single sounds and digraphs they have learnt) To become a confident writer, who can write letters that are formed correctly, write words and simple sentences (using single sounds and digraphs they have learnt) that can be read by others To become a Maths Master who can show a deep understanding of numbers to 10 and then 20, recognise patterns within the number system, subitise, compare quantities and recall number bonds to 5 and to 10.
To become an investigator who can show curiosity about the world around them, understand how to read and draw a simple map, understand some differences between times and places To become a caring citizen who can help to look after their community and care for the environment, have an awareness of other people’s cultures and beliefs To become a performer who can perform a song, poem or dance to an audience, retell stories with expression and confidence, play a range of percussion instruments correctly and with good rhythm To become an artistic designer who can choose and safely use the resources they need to make their creations, talk about what they have made and how they have made it


Wow Moments



The Old Toy Fair

The children explored popular toys and games from the past.